Wait. Is that a typo, don’t you mean weight? After all, it is January. It is normally the time for resolutions that we often make with out one bit of a reality check. So, this year, wait. Consider waiting and integrating any of the following into your new years planning:
Wait to pick up tech. Delay engaging with your phone, computer or TV and take a few extra moments to be in the present moment. Wait to say something. Think before you respond to someone or something that either rubbed you the wrong way or needs your full attention and thought. Wait to eat. Consider giving your digestive system some time off for a few hours between dinner and breakfast. Wait, what? Is a book, by James E. Ryan to consider reading to learn about some of the best essential life questions to ask. And yes, “wait, what?” is a key question to ask when you are curious to learn more. Wait to say yes. By waiting to say yes, you are not saying no, but rather giving yourself the time to determine if saying yes is what you really want to and can do. Wait a minute. Pause. Take a breath. Repeat a mantra. Give yourself a minute, whenever you need it (and ideally, before you need it!) Wait on setting goals. Take some time as you get past the holidays and think about what is really important and meaningful for you. Identify the one thing that if doing that/making that change will have the greatest impact on you and your life and consider how to best (i.e. realistically, a small step at a time)) accomplish it. Now, wait a little more and see what you really want, need and deserve in 2019.
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